Friday, March 20, 2009

Dashboard Details

For dashboard, suggest the following data dimensions:
  1. Visitors
  2. Duration
  3. Pages per
  4. Bounce rate
  5. Repost/Retweet


  1. On further reflection, do you read the RFp to require a project management dashboard or a measurement dashboard (which is what the data dimensions originally posted would reflect)?

    If project management, then the dimensions are those we would normally track:
    -Milestones (done, next, at risk)
    -Schedule (complete, to-do, at risk)
    -Budget (spend, burn rate, etc.)

    Thoughts as to type requested?

  2. That was a discussion we had yesterday...I read the RFP to require a project management dashboard, so we discussed whether we're going above and beyond and submitting project management AND measurement...we need to decide.

  3. So at minimum, we meet the RFP requirements with a Proj Mgt dashboard. Let's go for extra credit and provide suggested msrmt dashboard too.

    Also, to clarify on the "survey/research idea"... thought would be to include as part of trial run (or real-time message development), not as preliminary to implementing blog/campaign.


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